Cranberry Almond Granola- Gluten-free

Hi guys!

I hope this Christmas season is special for you and not stressful.  I know that I've been enjoying it.

If you are part of a foodie family like I am, gifts of good food are the best, which is why I'm sharing this recipe with you today.

Contrary to popular belief, hand-crafted gifts don't have to be super expensive or fancy.  It can be as simple as from-scratch granola packaged in a mason jar!  (See pic below for inspiration.) Today's recipe makes a great gift for anyone, especially since it's healthier than some store-bought granola and it's so easy to customize.

Let me walk you through some of the major players in today's recipe:

1.  The Orange Zest

Very aromatic and strong, the orange zest perfumes the granola and really complements the dried cranberries.  Be careful when zesting the orange just to use the first layer of skin.  If you go deeper than that, you'll reach the pith of the orange, which is very bitter.

2.  The Cranberries

When orange zest is used in a baked good, the obvious complement to it are cranberries. Their sweet-tart flavor balance out  perfumed orange flavor.

3.  The Cinnamon 

It might seem a bit odd to add  another flavor to the orange-cranberry combo, yet the cinnamon in this granola really ties all the flavors together by adding a warm flavor to the granola.

While I would consider this granola recipe to be pretty nutritious, it does contain some refined-sugar from the dried cranberries.  If you want this recipe to be refined-sugar free, you could use raisins instead of cranberries or make this granola instead.

I slightly tweaked this recipe for today's recipe, but I'm just gonna link you to the original today. 
Merry Christmas!


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